
Religiosity is a term often associated with individuals deeply immersed in their faith. In English, “religiosity” or “religious” is an adjective that signifies a connection to or belief in a religion. According to the Indonesian Language Dictionary (KBBI), “religius” means having a religious nature or being related to religion. Let’s explore the definition of religiosity along with its aspects and characteristics.

Defining Religiosity

Quoting from the IAIN Tulungagung repository, religiosity is a solid disposition to embrace and practice the teachings of a religion, reflecting one’s commitment to the faith they follow. The root word for “religiosity” is “religious,” derived from the English word “religion,” which means dedication.

According to Jalaluddin, religion involves believing in God or a superhuman power worthy of worship as the creator and sustainer of the universe. This belief manifests through acts of prayer, devotion to God, and adherence to the tenets of the faith. One’s attitudes and behaviors align with the religious guidelines they follow.

Aspects of Religiosity

Lies Arifah, in her thesis titled “Implementation of Islamic Religious and Moral Education in State Junior High School 2 Bantul,” references Glock and Stark in categorizing the aspects of religiosity into the following:

Religious Belief (Belief Aspect): This aspect involves having faith in God and all matters related to the spiritual realm. It includes accepting dogmatic principles within one’s faith. Belief is the most fundamental dimension for adherents of a religion.

Religious Practice (Worship Aspect): The aspect of worship pertains to the level of engagement in spiritual practices, encompassing the frequency and intensity of various religious behaviors. The religion prescribes these behaviors, such as the rituals of worship and religious regulations.

Religious Feeling (Experiential Aspect): The experiential aspect encompasses the emotional experiences individuals feel in their spiritual practices and the extent to which they internalize these experiences during religious rituals. For instance, the depth of devotion experienced during prayer.

Religious Knowledge (Knowledge Aspect): This aspect relates to one’s comprehension and knowledge of the teachings and doctrines of their religion.

Religious Effect (Application Aspect): The application aspect refers to the practical implementation of spiritual knowledge acquired. It involves translating spiritual teachings into attitudes and behaviors in daily life.


Ary Ginanjar, in his book “Rahasia Sukses Membangkitkan ESQ Power: A Journey of Inner Transformation Through Ihsan,” outlines several religious characteristics evident in individuals when fulfilling their duties according to Islamic teachings:

Honesty: A religious person acknowledges that dishonesty leads to prolonged difficulties and strives for truthfulness in all aspects of life.

Justice: Those with religiosity exhibit fairness toward all parties, even when facing adversity.

Benefit to Others: Being beneficial to others is a hallmark of religiosity, aligning with the Hadith of the Prophet Muhammad states that the best among people is the one who is most helpful to others.

High Discipline: Discipline in religious individuals arises from passion and awareness, not mere obligation or compulsion.

Balance: Religious individuals balance life between the material and spiritual worlds, addressing physical and mental-spiritual needs.

Humility: Humility is a virtue among the religious, as they are open to others’ opinions and do not impose their will arrogantly.

In conclusion, religiosity encompasses various facets, from its definition to its aspects and characteristics. Finally, this article aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of religiosity. It’s shedding light on its multifaceted nature and impact on individuals’ lives.

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